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Rawesense Aloe Vera, Jatamansi and Green Tea Hair Oil - 200ml
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Rawesense Aloe Vera, Jatamansi & Green Tea Hair Oil is enriched with ayurvadic herbs and natural cold pressed oil which help restore the youthfulness and of your hair and help boost healthy hair growth. Stimulate the natural way of restoring the youthfulness of hair working from deep within your roots. Herbs and cold-pressed oil are effective for booting hair health and strengthening it. Regular oiling or had massage helps restore natural hair colour, and reduce stress and protect from damages.Â
How to use - Apply directly on scalp and massage gently on your scalp using fingers Apply on the root area Massage the scalp with fingers for 2-3 mins Leave for 45 mins or 1 hour..best to leave it overnight Wash with mild shampoo Repeat alternate day or before hair wash Can be applies on beard. For Best results and effects at-least try 3-4 months for visible healthy hair
Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is been used from thousands of years for skin and hair benefits.Â
Strengthen Hair, Controls Greasy Hair, Helps in Itchy Scalp, Protect for UV Damage, Promote Hair Growth
Jatamansi – Ability to balance 3 dosha and known for lot of benefits for Hair, specifically for Hair Re-Growth
Improves the health if hair follicles, Accelerates Hair Growth, Promote new hair growth, Improve hair volume and density, Provides shine and lustrous to hair stands, Strengthens hair from roots, Slow down the process of greying, moisturizes scalp, cleanses the dandruffs, dirt and dust from the scalp, Deep conditions hair and makes it healthy,
Green Tea - Â There are serval benefits of Green Tea for Hair, Green Tea is a magic on hair from sealing split-ends to restoring natural shine to dull hair
Prevents Split-Ends, Adds Healthy Shine, Control Dandruff, Reduce Hair Fall, Moisturize Hair, Promote Hair growth, Controls Oily Scalp, Support Hair Growth.
Ingredients - Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil, Black Sesame Oil, Castor Oil Vitamin E Oil, Green Tea, Â Aloe Vera, Curry Leaves, Fenugreek Seeds, Jatamansi , Hibiscus Flower, Black Pepper, Amla, Bhrami, Bhringraj Lavender Buds, Clove, Neem, Ginger, NagarmothaÂ